An Evening With John Kerry

Hearing a Lecture by the Former Secretary of State

chris field
5 min readOct 7, 2019
A photo of John Kerry speaking at the LBJ Library in 2016
By LBJ Library — Flickr, Public Domain

My wife and I applaud with the rest of the audience as the guest speaker held an arm up in acknowledgement, thanking us all for being so wonderful and also wealthy enough to buy tickets to the lecture.

The former Secretary of State licked his lips one last time and strode off stage in long, gliding steps.

Throughout the evening, Secretary John Kerry spoke in varying degrees of detail about the Iranian Nuclear deal, TPP, climate change, term limits, activating the vote, and sports.

His talk was peppered with an unexpected level of dad jokes of such good quality that I could feel the white tube socks pulled all the way up beneath his suit slacks. He displayed self deprecating humor (I won the silver medal in the race for President!). And he licked his lips at each cue for laughter.

After the lecture, the audience submitted written questions. Mine was not taken (Hunts or Heinz ketchup?). My handwriting is completely illegible.

I wish my second grade penmanship teacher was more urgent about this. “Good penmanship is important because in forty years, when you have a chance to ask the Secretary of State a question, do you want to be passed over because no one can read your handwriting…

